take me back
Behold: ihnghghlihsh!
now, you may be asking, why? and that's a good question :)
now, english orthography is worse, thanks to me! every phoneme is now written with two letters, and i expect everyone to use it from now on
here's some example text for you:
- bhuhmnihhluh ehcktsntrhaecknt (vanilla extract)
- dhuh ckwhihck btrheaaomn pheackts djahpmptts aobhuhrh dhuh hleiihdsee ndouhg (the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog)
- ihnghghlihsh (english)
- pmeaih hwahbhuhrhckrhaephnt ihds phaohl ahbh eehlds (my hovercraft is full of eels)
- btee hɡeiih, ndoo ckrheaihpm (be gay, do crime)